Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez

Penetration Tester

Western Govenors University


Alex, with a consulting background, specializes in cloud security and penetration testing. Pursuing a Software Engineering degree at Western Governors University, his interests lie in the Secure Software Development Life Cycle and Software Supply Chain Security. This blog serves as a platform for Alex to share insights, aiming to aid those in cybersecurity and individuals looking to break into the field..

  • Penetration Testing
  • Red Teaming
  • Cloud Security
  • Secure Software Development Life Cycle
  • Software Supply Chain Security
  • BS in Software Engineering (Present), 2024

    Western Govenors University

  • AS in Cybersecurity, 2022

    Miami-Dade College

  • Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), 2024

    Offensive Security


MorganFranklin Consulting
Penetration Tester
August 2022 – June 2023 Remote

Responsibilities include:

  • Penetration Testing (Network, Web, Wireless, Social Engineering, Purple Team)
  • Security Configuration Reviews of Cloud Enviroments
  • Report & Deliverable Writing
  • Scripting & Automation
MorganFranklin Consulting
Cybersecurity Intern
June 2022 – August 2020 Remote

Responsibilities include:

  • Penetration Testing
  • Report & Deliverable Writing
  • Scripting & Automation
  • Research & Whitepaper